Call 817-861-8144

O-Rings, Custom Rubber Molding, Gaskets, Hard Parts

Summit Industries, Inc. 475 Dodson Lake Drive
Arlington, Texas 76012

Wireline O-Rings and Kits Chart

Wireline Packaged Kits

Part No. Description Application (Example)
K90101 O-Rings in UV Bag GO Connections Kit
K90102 O-Rings in UV Bag 2" Acme Connections Kit
K90103 O-Rings in UV Bag Quick Change Kit
K90104 O-Rings in UV Bag 3 - 1/8" Weight Bar Kit
K90105 O-Rings in UV Bag Firing Block Kit
K90106 O-Rings in UV Bag #10 Baker Setting Tool Kit
K90107 O-Rings in UV Bag #10 Baker Firing Head Kit
K90108 O-Rings in UV Bag #20 Baker Setting Tool Kit
K90109 O-Rings in UV Bag #20 Baker Firing Head Kit
K90110 O-Rings in UV Bag Owen 3 - 5/8" Setting Tool Kit
K90111 O-Rings in UV Bag 1 - 11/16" Collar Locator Kit
K90112 O-Rings in UV Bag Grease Tubes Seal Kit
K90113 O-Rings in UV Bag Huber Yale Grease Hoses Kit
K90114 O-Rings in UV Bag Shoot Thru Jars Kit
K90115 O-Rings w/ Brass Plug in UV Bag 3 - 5/8" Compact Setting Tool Kit
Kits available w/ or w/o Bleeder Disc  •  Call for additional Wireline Kits
Summit carries a full line of O-Rings in all compounds and durometers

Bulk Wireline O-Rings

Part No. Cmpd. Nom. I.D. Nom. C.S. Application (Generic Examples)
012B90 90 Nitrile 1/8" 1/16" Setting Tool Bleeder Valve O-Ring
012V90 90 Viton 1/8" 1/16" Setting Tool Bleeder Valve O-Ring
111B90 90 Nitrile 7/16" 3/32" Bleed Valve Retainer Nut O-Ring
111V90 90 Viton 7/16" 3/32" Bleed Valve Retainer Nut O-Ring
112B90 90 Nitrile 1/2" 3/32" Quick Change / Firing Head O-Ring
112V90 90 Viton 1/2" 3/32" Quick Change / Firing Head O-Ring
113B90 90 Nitrile 9/16" 3/32" Piston O-Ring
113V90 90 Viton 9/16" 3/32" Piston O-Ring
115B90 90 Nitrile 11/16" 3/32" Shoot Thru Jar O-Ring
115V90 90 Viton 11/16" 3/32" Shoot Thru Jar O-Ring
210B90 90 Nitrile 3/4" 1/8" Grease Tube O-Ring
210V90 90 Viton 3/4" 1/8" Grease Tube O-Ring
211B90 90 Nitrile 13/16" 1/8" GO Connection O-Ring
211V90 90 Viton 13/16" 1/8" GO Connection O-Ring
212B90 90 Nitrile 7/8" 1/8" 2 - 1/8" Working Piston O-Ring
212V90 90 Viton 7/8" 1/8" 2 - 1/8" Working Piston O-Ring
213B90 90 Nitrile 15/16" 1/8" Setting Tool O-Ring
213V90 90 Viton 15/16" 1/8" Setting Tool O-Ring
214B90 90 Nitrile 1" 1/8" 1 - 11/16" Collar Locator O-Ring
214V90 90 Viton 1" 1/8" 1 - 11/16" Collar Locator O-Ring
218B90 90 Nitrile 1 - 1/4" 1/8" 2 - 1/8" Collar Locator O-Ring
218V90 90 Viton 1 - 1/4" 1/8" 2 - 1/8" Collar Locator O-Ring
220B90 90 Nitrile 1 - 3/8" 1/8" 2 / 2 - 1/8" Gun Sub O-Ring
220V90 90 Viton 1 - 3/8" 1/8" 2 / 2 - 1/8" Gun Sub O-Ring
222B90 90 Nitrile 1 - 1/2" 1/8" 2 - 1/2" Gun Sub O-Ring
222V90 90 Viton 1 - 1/2" 1/8" 2 - 1/2" Gun Sub O-Ring
224B90 90 Nitrile 1 - 3/4" 1/8" Firing Block O-Ring
224V90 90 Viton 1 - 3/4" 1/8" Firing Block O-Ring
226B90 90 Nitrile 2" 1/8" Setting Tool / Firing Head O-Ring
226V90 90 Viton 2" 1/8" Setting Tool / Firing Head O-Ring
227B90 90 Nitrile 2 - 1/8" 1/8" 2 - 3/4" Gun Sub O-Ring
227V90 90 Viton 2 - 1/8" 1/8" 2 - 3/4" Gun Sub O-Ring
229B90 90 Nitrile 2 - 3/8" 1/8" 3 - 1/8" Collar Locator O-Ring
229V90 90 Viton 2 - 3/8" 1/8" 3 - 1/8" Collar Locator O-Ring
230B90 90 Nitrile 2 - 1/2" 1/8" 3 - 1/8" Gun Sub O-Ring
230V90 90 Viton 2 - 1/2" 1/8" 3 - 1/8" Gun Sub O-Ring
231B90 90 Nitrile 2 - 5/8" 1/8" 3 - 3/8" Gun Sub O-Ring
231V90 90 Viton 2 - 5/8" 1/8" 3 - 3/8" Gun Sub O-Ring
236B90 90 Nitrile 3 - 1/4" 1/8" 4" Gun Sub O-Ring
236V90 90 Viton 3 - 1/4" 1/8" 4" Gun Sub O-Ring
321B90 90 Nitrile 1 - 1/8" 3/16" Setting Tool O-Ring
321V90 90 Viton 1 - 1/8" 3/16" Setting Tool O-Ring
325B90 90 Nitrile 1 - 1/2" 3/16" Firing Head O-Ring
325V90 90 Viton 1 - 1/2" 3/16" Firing Head O-Ring
327B90 90 Nitrile 1 - 3/4" 3/16" Setting Tool O-Ring
327V90 90 Viton 1 - 3/4" 3/16" Setting Tool O-Ring
328B90 90 Nitrile 1 - 7/8" 3/16" 4 - 1/2" Working Piston O-Ring
328V90 90 Viton 1 - 7/8" 3/16" 4 - 1/2" Working Piston O-Ring
332B90 90 Nitrile 2 - 3/8" 3/16" Setting Tool O-Ring
332V90 90 Viton " 3/16" Setting Tool O-Ring
334B90 90 Nitrile 2 - 5/8" 3/16" Setting Tool O-Ring
334V90 90 Viton 2 - 5/8" 3/16" Setting Tool O-Ring
335B90 90 Nitrile 2 - 3/4" 3/16" Setting Tool O-Ring
335V90 90 Viton 2 - 3/4" 3/16" Setting Tool O-Ring
Call for additional Wireline O-Ring Sizes - All Summit Wireline O-Rings are packed in UV Protective Poly Bags
 •  •  •  Summit carries a full line of O-Rings in all compounds and durometers  •  •  • 

Misc. Wireline Component Parts

Part No. Description Application (Examples)
44-300 Pressure Relief Disc, ZD Plated Rupture (Bleeder) Disc
44-309 Rubber Push Pin - Black
44-309P Nylon Push Pin - Natural
44-328 Retainer Nut, Steel, ZD Plated (Flat, beveled also available) Retainer (Focus) Nut
44-329 Threaded Steel Plug, w/ Viton Lathe Cut 5" Port Plug
44-337 Threaded Brass Plug Setting Tool Plug
Call for Additional Wireline Components.
Summit is actively looking for additional parts to add to our product line.

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